


实验语音学Experimental phonetics


实验语音学方法论Experimental methods on phonetics

This course is designed with a practical goal: to train students in the techniques of experimental phonetic in order to prepare them for more advance research in phonetics and phonology within linguistics, speech technology, communication disorder, and language acquisition. It will provide the student with hands-on experience in methods of experimental phonetic research, including audio recording, acoustic speech database construction, recording and interpreting speech air flow and pressure, static palatography, and the design of perception tests. In addition, students receive training in writing up experimental results for publication.

语言发音感知的解剖生理机制(Anatomy and Physiology of Speech Mechanism)

Thiscourse will introduce basic speech anatomy, physiology and function, current methods and measurement tools, and "hot" theoretical issues in speech production, perception, and communication disorders relating to language cognition. Side topics may include: field and clinical applications, articulatory speech synthesis, and the interaction of articulation with perception.



语音学与音系学概论(Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology)

The aim of the course is to provide the student with the practical skills and the conceptual framework to do further work in phonetics and phonology, especially as this involves sound change, speech perception, and psycholinguistics of phonology. It will give training in the production, perception, physiological description, and accepted IPA transcription of the speech sounds used in the languages of the world. The course will also cover how phonetics and phonology may be practiced in an integrated way in such traditional concerns as the phonological reconstruction of a language’s history and explaining phonological universals (of segment inventories, of sound sequencing) as well as in the newer domains of speech technology and the psycholinguistics of phonology.






本课程主要介绍社会语言学的研究视角、对象、任务、方法及当下热点议题。课程将以“社会语言学变异”(Sociolinguistic Variation)中的三股研究“浪潮”作为主要线索进行授课,这三股“浪潮”分别是:语言变异与主要人口类别的关系(the relation between linguistic variability and major demographic categories)、变式与本土特定类别及构成的关系(the relation between variation and local,participant-designed categories and configurations)、变项的社会意义(the social meaning of variables)。



言语与听觉科学(Speech and Hearing Sciences

研究生院暑期课程。本课程讲授言语发声、言语听觉的解剖生理知识,语音声学特点以及汉语语音学的特点,在此基础上讲解言语发声障碍、构音障碍、言语听觉障碍的原理以及言语发声、构音、言语听觉障碍的评估、训练。本课程的知识面跨越文、理、工及医多个领域,课程内容涉及语音学、声学、解剖学及临床医学等知识,是中文系语言学与应用语言学专业、言语通讯工程、听力科学、病理语言学等专业的跨学科基础课程。此课程在西方高校也属跨学科新兴课程。本课程的开设既能满足我国言语病理学及言语听觉康复学人才培养的急需,也填补我国此领域教学上的空白。讲授本课程的教员由跨学科专家教授组成,既有中文系语音学专业的教授,也有言语病理学家和临床主任医生。课程的教学内容分以下六部分: 言语产生的解剖生理机制、失语症与言语康复、腭裂病理语音及其康复治疗、嗓音发音原理及嗓音疾病、听觉解剖与生理、听觉言语评估等。